Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Happy Holidays

With Christmas fast approaching I'm sure all golf nuts like myself have been figuring out which gifts, they've asked for, are going to benefit their game in the new year. I have already put together my wish list and thanks to my gorgeous, generous, understanding, loving...... did I say beautiful partner, I have my first item crossed off and that is a Mizuno MP-T11 wedge (54*/09*). Due to the fact that I recently went through an excellent Mizuno Fitting ( also found out my current G10's are way off spec, possibly the reason for most of my errant shots lol ) and am in the process of getting a set of MP59's, I thought I would stick with the brand and look for a wedge set to match. This was no rash decision, as I did try various other makes and models but to me these just felt really pure and gave me so much control it was scary.
      I chose the 54* with 9* of bounce purely as a good 100-110yard (full swing) club, also to use from the bunkers to get that added spin. The MP59's come with a 46*PW so I'm still undecided as to which other wedge to go for. It will either be the 52*, to have a tweener, but to be honest I prefer to play a 3/4 SW, or the 60* which is a handy club to have for those tough short sided misses. I'm sure I wont come to a decision any time soon so plenty of trialing to be had I think......brilliant.

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